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Be Safe

Stay Home. Be Kind.  Have Fun!

What do you think of when you hear the words “Be Safe”? What about when you are asked to stay home and are not able to go to school or play with your friends? We know this can be a frustrating time and even though it can be fun to be in your PJ’s all day, be home with your parents and not do as much school work, we understand that it can also get boring and confusing, and you may have a lot of questions. For that reason, we have put together some important information that can help you understand why things like washing hands, being apart from those you love, and wearing a mask is important for you and your safety.  COVID-19 is probably going to be a word you will remember for the rest of your life, our intention is that we can provide you with some safe, virtual fun and education that will fill your thoughts with positivity and inspire you to do things that will fill your heart with love, and do kind things for other people. We invite you to explore all the free activities, webinars, story telling, programs, videos and especially our NEW HIT song called “I Dare U 2 Bee”.  Create your own dance and sing your heart out! Get excited as you explore every fun-filled page!

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Face Masks

Social Distancing

Hand Washing

Hand Sanitizer

Stay At Home Life Hacks

Safe Summer Time Fun
Summer time fun is very important to us, especially in Northern climates! With the continuing pandemic and social distancing rules still in place, summer 2020 is shaping up to be like no other! At I Dare U 2 Bee  we are out to create summertime fun in a non-traditional way for children and going back to having them tap into their child like wonder!  Here are a few activities you can do together:   1.Have them use their creativity and imagination to build an obstacle course with their families and come up with different obstacles with which to compete against each other.  Find things to jump on, jump over, walk/round around etc. The great thing about this activity is that it can be set up in the yard or in any room of a home. If there are things you need to touch, bring your hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.  Here is a great resource to get you started! 2. During the summer there are so many activities that promote creativity in children. Building a Cardboard Fort or Castle is one of them. This activity is inexpensive for parents and will bring the family together for old fashion summer time fun. Materials can be sourced from  your local grocery or appliance store. Consider yourself part of the building crew since it’s likely you will be the person in charge of the cutting with a craft knife. Your kids can tape it up and paint their structure. 3. One of the great things about summer is hanging out with the friends in your neighborhood.  Waking up each day to be excited to play, eat and create fun with the friends on the street. The Bike Parade - is a way to create a greater bond with other people in the neighborhood. The purpose is to reach out to your neighbors with kids for a community parade. Encourage participants to decorate their ride with streamers, balloons and flags. Let them cruise around together with their parents and cheer each other on.  4. Neighborhood Game Night - Organize a multifamily competition by playing                   kickball, soccer and capture the flag. Team up dads and daughters verses moms                 and sons. Designate a different parent to referee. (Make sure the gathering is 10                 people or less to enforce social distancing rules)   5. Create a fun field trip with your children by piling into the car and exploring the attractions of a nearby city.  Take the time to research cool and interesting attractions your kids might like and take a drive around pointing out the landmarks and interesting buildings.  If your kids are into trains, make sure to drive by the train yard or even just beside the subway system.   It is a great way to explore the city, spend quality time together.  Pack a picnic and stop at a local park for lunch, just find a location that allows you to social distance from others.  6. Let’s go “old-school” and learn how to build and fly a kite!  They will  learn about the necessary features needed for a kite to successfully make it off the ground, incorporating the laws of lift and thrust and mass and material science when designing and choosing appropriate materials for their kite.   Then on the next windy day go to a local park and see if they created a kite that soars high into the sky or one that is grounded.  Ask them what features of their kite made it fly well or what features do they think they need to alter to have their kite get off the ground?  This starts a conversation about failing and how failing is an integral part of inventing, designing and being successful.  By encouraging your kids to problem solve and try again you are developing a growth mindset and resilience.  Here is a website dedicated to building kites to get you started: 7. Start a garden and grow some favourite veggies as well as some new veggies.  Involve them in choosing the varieties of fruits and vegetables you grow.  Teach them how to plant and involve them in the care of the plants-watering and weeding.  Teach them about how plants grow-or have them research it themselves(photosynthesis) and have them explain to you what they learned and why our plants are so important (they produce food as well as oxygen).  For younger children here is a great resource of illustrated books about gardening and planting:  Here’s a link from the Farmer’s Almanac on how to plant a garden for beginners:   8. Another "Old School" throwback!  As a family have a paper airplane race.  See whose plane flies the furthest.  Learn how to make a paper airplane and design it to reflect your personality! Here's another great resource to get you started:   9. Create a Rube Goldberg machine with your kids.  It is an incredibly fun way to explore STEM and STEAM lessons.  They are problem solving, inventing, designing and building a chain-reaction machine to solve a chosen problem.  For younger kids the Rube Goldberg machine will be simple and as they get older the machines can become more complicated.  To learn more about Rube Goldberg Machines and how to get started here is a link to TinkerLabs:
Safety First
Staying home is important for a few reasons right now.  The Coronavirus is completely new and the doctors and scientists are still learning about the illness it causes (COVID-19), how it spreads from person to person, and how to treat and cure people who catch it.  The virus affects people differently, some people get it and don't even know they have it because they don't get sick.  Others get a little sick while some people get really sick and need to go to the hospital for help getting better.   By staying home we reduce the number of people who catch the virus and get sick.  This helps reduce the number of people who get really sick and need to go to the hospital so that the doctors and nurses don't get overwhelmed with patients.
On-line fun with Friends
Finding safe ways to have fun online with children and teens is now very accessible.  We've put together a few fun online activities for you and your kids: 1.A fun game to play online is Pictionary which can be played with friends and family members. If you have the board game you can use that and an online platform like zoom so everyone can share their screens. Otherwise there is a free online Pictionary word generator that by lets you and your friends play the game even if you don't have the game cards handy. The program will advise whose turn it is.  You will also want to use an online platform like zoom to connect. This will allow them to see each other while playing this game.   2. Monopoly is a fun game that can keep children,teens and parents entertained for hours. It is a real-estate board game for two to eight players, in which the player’s goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property. This game teaches children how to manage money, responsibility, conflict resolution and how to play fair.     3.The ultimate in innovation and creativity is to create something from nothing. The online application to create your own Avatar for your family is an amazing program.  Everyone in the family can participate by making  their one Avatar and then create one for parents. The Avatar can be saved as a cartoon character. A great feature in the program is the ability to save the character to your computer to be used in other applications.  Free Anime Avatar Maker  4.If anyone in your family loves singing in the shower then Karaoke for kids is an online activity that can keep children and adults of all ages engaged for hours. This application has all types of music available and before you know it hours have gone by! 5.How good is your memory?  Test it out with memory games - get some friends and play it together, test whose memory is better.  6.How about watching a movie together.  Get onto zoom with your friends, pick a movie, grab your snacks and share your screen.  Enjoy watching a movie together!  

Connect. Create. Be Kind


COVID Kindness


Family Fun


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~Dr. Seuss

Making Funny Videos Each Day

A bit more about US

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Kindness Checklist

Gratitude Journal

Courage  Guide

Creative & Curious Log

Train Your Brain Lessons

Be Curious

Dare To Dream, Think and Act BIG!

“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” 

– Dr. Seuss

Be curious about the world around you, take the time to allow your imagination to grow and never stop learning. Curiosity is the magic ingredient to believing in possibilities and dreaming big.  Always know you CAN make a difference with everyone, anytime and every where you go. Imagine waking up every morning and before you start your day you tell your brain that “Today is going to be a wild adventure, filled with so much wonder that I am going to be the one to make everything WONDERFUL?”  When we stop and look around we can often see things that we never saw before, and our curiosity allows our imaginations to be free and be happy. You are designed to do BIG things, with your BIG heart and when your heart and mind come together like best friends you get to be someone who can create the future. 

Historical Kindness

Did you know that before you were born and even before your parents may have been born, people have been doing kind things that made a huge impact in a big, bold, positive way? When I say big, I mean their kind acts were so courageous that miracles happened. YOU are just like all the kind and brave heroes in history and guess what?  You get to spend your life being the hero today and tomorrow.  Being kind is not complicated, every day you do kind things and you may not even know it! To help you learn about kindness throughout history we have shared with you stories of kind and courageous actions that changed the world. 

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Cultural Kindness

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All around the world there are different people living in different places doing different things that are unique to their community, country and religion. Special things that are amazing, like enjoying tasty food dishes, music, traditional activities, festivals, celebrations and also honoring events that happened in history that are special to the people who live in that country or community. Sometimes the easiest way to understanding culture is a way of life for people, the way they do things. When a group of people do things in their own special way it is something to celebrate. This is a part of that word you may hear about called diversity which means a collection of different things.  What makes diversity so FANTASTIC is we can share those different things, traditions, foods, music, celebrations with others. When you understand other peoples’ diverse cultures, you get to participate and celebrate with them. So to help you we have shared with you some of the beautiful and kind things that happen in cultures around the world. 

Did You Know?

What If?

Did you know that when you are asked a question your entire brain activates and releases serotonin which is a chemical that relaxes the brain making you happy and more creative which has you begin to create the biggest, juiciest, coolest, out of this world ideas!! Being asked questions and asking questions is how you come up with solutions. We have made questions FUN by providing you with an all-inclusive ticket to the world of inventions, and mysteries. Just click below and get ready to go on an adventure that will grow your brain!

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you did not have your cell phone, the internet or electricity?  The world today is a result of all the people who came before us who were creative and had the courage to believe in themselves and never gave up. But what if they did? We may not have electricity, cars or human rights. Their trust in their dreams gave them the ability to do things that seemed impossible. Believing in yourself and goals is what allows you to bring our dreams to life! Click below to activate your brain.






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Making Funny Videos Each Day

A bit more about US

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You & Your Emotions

  • 12 VIDEOS

You & Your Mind

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You & Your Body

  • 12 VIDEOS
