Why Be Kind?

A bit more about US
Our Three C Principles: Connect, Communicate, and Create are grounded in the discovery of identifying what has been missing that will make the kind of difference needed to develop our kids to prepare for a future that is technology driven by training and developing them using creativity and authentic communication to mitigate the impacts that future may have with human connection and self-expression. We love technology and at the same time we have identified some of the constraints it may impose on a child’s confidence, courage, honesty and ability to be empathetic towards others. Therefore, we have created programs that train and develop students in the necessary life skills to thrive in life.
~Dr. Seuss

Happy And Healthy Brain
Did you know your brain is the most important part of your body and that it works like the operating system in your computer? Your brain is a fascinating part of who you are and it controls and evaluates everything that happens in your body, such as the thoughts you think about all day long, the things you remember and it enables to you run, sing, read and eat. Your brain is like the wildest invention ever created that sends messages to every part of your body so that you can blink, breathe, digest your food, and stay alive by making your heart beat.
Just like your favorite foods, music and friends that keep your heart happy, there are many things that keep your brain happy. Having a happy and healthy brain gives you the energy and desire to live a joyful life. Being joyful is so important because when you are feeling joy, others around you can’t help but to feel joy, and that is why your lifestyle needs to be filled with happy brain habits. Habits such as eating a balanced diet, getting lots of sleep, regular exercise, and positive thinking that will fill you with positive and happy emotions make your brain happy and healthy. Your daily routines can impact your brain either in a positive or negative way. We believe that when you are aware of what makes your brain happy or unhappy, you will have all the super tools you need to make smart choices. These choices will create harmony and balance between your heart, brain and body so that your confidence will skyrocket, and the love you feel for yourself will expand causing you to be more compassionate, empathetic and kind towards others.
Watch Videos!
We, at IDareU2Bee, LOVE to write. Putting words on paper, or typing them into the computer is our way of sharing with you our feelings and what is important to us. We are so committed that you really get how special you truly are, so as you watch the videos, we hope you see yourself in them. These kindness videos were designed to fill your mind with thoughts of love, honesty, compassion and courage, and we want you to know that the world is a greater place because you are in it. Please take the time to click on the button below that says “Download and print now” because this will allow you to have your own collection of our kindness poems that you can place on your mirrors, beside your bed, on the fridge with permission from your parents of course, so that anytime you forget how important it is to be kind to your body and your brain and have patience for your emotions the words in these poems will remind how EXTRAORDINARY YOU ARE!

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Dance And Sing With an Attitude of Gratitude!
“Gratitude is the music of the heart when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness.”
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And Impact The Future
Be Curious
Dare To Dream, Think and Act BIG!

“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss
Be curious about the world around you, take the time to allow your imagination to grow and never stop learning. Curiosity is the magic ingredient to believing in possibilities and dreaming big. Always know you CAN make a difference with everyone, anytime and every where you go. Imagine waking up every morning and before you start your day you tell your brain that “Today is going to be a wild adventure, filled with so much wonder that I am going to be the one to make everything WONDERFUL?” When we stop and look around we can often see things that we never saw before, and our curiosity allows our imaginations to be free and be happy. You are designed to do BIG things, with your BIG heart and when your heart and mind come together like best friends you get to be someone who can create the future.