Be grateful! Remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive and be grateful for everything you have. Everyday people are going through terrible times, even more so now because we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Write down what you are grateful for every morning, whether it is simply that you woke up healthy or that you had a good night’s sleep. We tend to take a lot of little things for granted, but if we did not have those little things we would realize how important they really are. We must also be grateful for everyone who is working their hardest to help the world get through this global pandemic because it is not an easy job and we do not personally see how hard they are working every day to make the world safe. It is also important to remind and acknowledge people for who they are. Tell them how grateful you are for them, it will remind them that people care about them, even if you just say that you are grateful that they are in your life.
With Kindness,
Sarika Ganguli